September 2024 Commanders Corner

September!!! School has resumed; high school and colleges. Football Season!!! Also, tis the season for seniors to get out and about with a lot less traffic during the day. Your Post is staying active and continuing to build on its progress.

We are also doing some construction work to facilitate a new set of Charitable Gaming machines. Our vendor provided 8 new machines, and they are placed in a room previously designated for storage. This room will be “Non-smoking” for those members who like playing these machines in a smoke free environment. As a result, we needed to add a storage shed to the east side of the Post. The current defective decking will be replaced. The new deck will be covered so we can transit from the Post to the shed and stay dry/snow free. To properly secure the new non-smoking gaming area from the hall, a lockable, French door was installed.

The regional Corn Hole League has selected our Hall as one of their favorite places to play on select Sundays. The Hall is filled with players and our Auxiliary provides refreshments for the players. It is a big win-win situation.
During Covid, many of our Post and VFW craftsmen worked to expand our current Social Club and it is an excellent piece of work. The wall buffering the Social Club from the Hall has remained blank with a plan to attach an imitation fire place and imitation stone on it. A Legion emblem will go on the wall above the fireplace. We are moving forward with the completion of that wall. It will make a huge change in our Hall. At our last membership meeting, the members requested we place an awning type cover over the Post back door (Annex entry) to keep members/visitors dry awaiting someone to let them in.

Our Post Legion Riders plan to support the Healing Field Fund Raiser Ride on 7 September at Post 34 in Lawrenceburg.

Kudos to our Radio Club! A couple of their members (Chris and Doug) spent a couple of days checking and tuning up the Antennas in preparation for a State of Kentucky Emergency Comms exercise. We checked in and supported the exercise. A pure example of a Legion mission activity.

Watch our Post Calendar on our Post web site ( for planned activities in the Social Club. Sr. Vice Harold Miller and Club manager Ruby Crouch do a fine job in keeping it up to date.

Our membership renewal season is underway and close to half of our members have renewed. Thank you for renewing your support of our Post and your fellow veterans.

Enjoy the beginning of Fall!!

The next membership meeting is 1 October 2024 at 7 PM.

Tony A. Cromwell
Post Commander