The Post Legion Riders, supported by our Auxiliary, participated in Harrodsburg’s 250th year celebration parade. The parade was well attended, and we led the parade with my Mustang and Post 46 door signage. A big thanks to each of our Legion Riders and Auxiliary participants for enabling a very successful appearance. Also, a big thank you to Vice Commander Carney for riding in the Mustang and representing the Lady veterans.
The Auxiliary continues to actively support the Post. They donated to the AMVETS Sons for their Rolling Thunder activity. This donation also promotes our desired local inter service club cohesion. We are all US veterans. Additionally, they are providing road block support for the Post Legion Riders. Kudos to the Auxiliary!
The Finance Committee is initiating some concentrated effort on our facility maintenance. Air quality handling, ceiling tiles, entrance doors, exit signs, east side exit ramp, etc. will get the focus of attention. Sr. Vice Miller will work with Joe Baron (Army veteran of Vietnam war) stepping up to work maintenance issues going forward. Our past maintenance manager, Joe Denny, will provide historical maintenance information.
The exterior Social Club door deteriorated and required replacement. A huge thank you to Mike Whiteneck and Gary Ragland for replacing that door. Mike has a long history of providing outstanding carpentry work and Gary has a long history of Electrical work.
Our gaming business continues to grow and provides the financial support the Post requires to grow and maintain itself. We recently expanded to 13 machines and recent activity has all of them operating at the same time! We are exploring expansion options with our vendor in the Hall area, and these would be designated as a non-smoking section. Importantly, our gaming vendor cites our Post hospitality environment enabling the successful gaming activity. We have Ruby, Joe, and Gary to thank for enabling that element!!! Kudos to the three of you for enabling our success!!
I understand our Belcher memorial pavilion will host a wedding in the near future. I can imagine the smile that would being to Earl’s face. Our Post Hall was rented on the 4th of July so we did not host a holiday band/event this year. The heat and weather were other factors.
Thanks to the active participation of our members, our Post enjoys financial security. We are active in the community and supporting charitable organizations. We try to post thank you letters from our donations.
Enjoy your summer! As hot as it’s been, the historical hottest periods are in our near future (late July-August). Be very cautious in your outdoor activities.
The next membership meeting is on 6 August 2024 at 7 PM. The July meeting was cancelled for the July 4th holiday.
Tony A. Cromwell
Post Commander