December!! Christmas and New Year’s holidays!! However, I would be remiss not to recall the outstanding events of 23 November!! We honored Lloyd Harrison, Joe Denny, Denis Weiskircher, Rick Walls, and Ken Douglass with Quilts of Valor! The quilts were beautiful and truly valued by each of the veterans receiving them. Please look for pictures of them our Post web site.
Our sincerest gratitude goes to the lady artisans that created those handmade quilts and the organization that awarded them. Also, we honor and thank each of our awardees for their service to our country.
Following that ceremony, the Post hosted its annual free Thanksgiving Dinner. Our Post has a treasure of fine cooks led by our Social Club manager, Ruby Crouch. The food was more than plentiful and of plate filling diversity. As usual, we had a fine turnout, and it was a belly filling camaraderie event!! Our Post has much to be thankful for and the ladies that create this meal year after year are among our treasured assets. Thank you!!
We have a planned fix for the air conditioning for the non-smoking gaming area. We await the work of a tech that has a long backlog of work. Additional work for the offices along the west side of the building awaits a bid and subsequent review.
The Post plans a Christmas and New Years party and related events. Monitor the Post schedule and Ruby’s schedule to stay abreast of the coming events.
In this season of Thankfulness, I express our gratitude for our Treasurer Brenda Ellis. Our financial success as a Post is captured weekly via data entry into sophisticated accounting software along with the payment of bills and donations . Part of this accounting work is the quarterly report of our gaming activity for the State of Kentucky. The report is some 16 pages long and very detailed. Our last quarterly report was found to be error free! Additionally, se found a way to transmit the report electronically saving the cost and time to mail it via certified mail. She is a joy to work with and very competent. Ruby and Brenda work very closely together to account for all our sources of income accurately.
This year was a big year for the Post in rebuilding its financial foundations and donating to our local charities. Our membership enjoys the gaming activity, and we enjoy great support from our vendor. A big thank you to all our active members!
Best wishes to each of you and your families for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year!
The next membership meeting is 7 January 2025 at 7 PM.
Tony A. Cromwell
Post Commander