2024 May Commander’s Corner

The big item in May is the election of Post Officers. At our 7 May membership meeting, we conducted our elections. Legionnaire Harold Miller moved from Post Adjutant to Sr. Vice Commander. Then current Sr. Vice Buddy Adams offered to hand the Sr. Vice position to Harold and conclude his term in office. The Post is deeply grateful to Buddy for his extensive contributions to our Post. Specifically, he worked many hours in the building out of our Social Club during the Covid shut down. Additionally, he sheparded the construction of the Belcher memorial Pavilion. Buddy is a corner stone in the Corn Hole team. Corn Hole has become a big activity in the Post and the local league really appreciates our Post!
Service Officer Gene Klaus completed his term and Legionnaire Dennis Weiskircher was elected as the Post Service Officer. Legionnaire Klaus was a highly ranked Service Officer that helped over 500 veterans attain the
benefits they were entitled to. He changed many lives, and we thank him sincerely! Extensive hours, medical issues exacerbated by this service, and veterans that ignore appointments and practice extreme discourtesy
brought to a close the work of this very fine officer.
Legionnaire Susan Craddock was elected to Post Adjutant replacing Harold Miller. Harold will work very closely with Susan as she acquires the skills and knowledge to perform as Post Adjutant. Susan is new to the Post and comes to us as an Air Force Veteran from the missile fields. Susan is an active participant in our Post and related Legion work.
The other officers return to their offices, including me. I look forward to continuing to strengthen the Post and working with our Legion Riders on two back-to-back rides in June. The Big Band Festival and a military parade
in Harrodsburg. Also, remember that my time in the Social Club is very limited due to my Asthma…an issue I developed from smoking a pipe, etc. many years ago.
Big things are happening with our Auxiliary!! They held a silent auction and supported our District 8 meeting. During the District 8 meeting, the District Auxiliary held their meeting in my office. Post Auxiliary President Donna Prewitt was elected District Vice Commander and Denise Gordon as District Chaplain. A big congratulations to both ladies for their new positions. They are working now with the Legion Riders to participate in the two coming parades. KUDOs to the Auxiliary!!
I thank each member for their membership and continuing support! We pray you find reward in the Post facilities, its members, and the programs we support.

The next membership meeting is on 4 June 2024 at 7 PM.

Tony A. Cromwell

Post Commander kypost46@gmail.com