2024 January Commander’s Corner

Welcome to the New Year and winter!!! We’ve been fortunate to experience a mild fall that provided energy savings for our Post. The onset of colder and blustery weather is upon us!
Our Post rebuilt its financial footing with a profitable year due to several factors:

  • A decision by Past Commander Westerfield to change gaming vendors.
  • High member participation in the Gaming and Social Club events.
  • An extraordinary effort by Ruby to heavily schedule Post rentals/activities and manage Social Club events.

Going forward, we have some challenges ahead of us:
The national and Department of KY are raising their minimum Veteran membership rates starting the 2025 membership year. I expect our membership rates to rise to $40 year as a result. Our Associate
rates are tied to the Veteran rates, per Post by-laws. We may well lose some members and I spoke of this danger to our KY Department leaders this past fall. Look for increases in Sons and Auxiliary rates.
Our Post profit margins percentages are in the high teens. Inflationary increases in operating costs (power, goods, business supplies, water, etc.) will reduce that profit percentage as well as a potential reduction in active membership which can reduce our income and associated margins significantly.
The Finance Committee will be reviewing a new offer that could expand our weekly social activities to attract public support of fish fries, chili cookoffs, etc. Once developed, it will need to be presented to the membership for discussion and approval/disapproval.
A huge thanks to Ruby in closing out the old year with a very successful Christmas/New Years series of activities!! Everyone had a great time, and it was very profitable for the Post. We will get Joe Denny back from successful hip surgery in mid-January. Then we can all pray for Ruby and her medical work.
Kudos to the Auxiliary! They joined the AMVETS and VFW Auxiliaries in delivering hygiene items to 9 Nursing Homes. This joint service organization teamwork carries a unified and powerful impact. Our Auxiliary selected a family with 3 children to deliver gifts to for Christmas making that family feel very blessed. Going forward, they will be selling Roses on Valentines Day, sending cards to veterans in nursing homes, and holding another silent auction. Plan to support it.
The next membership meeting is on 6 February 2024 at 7 PM.


Tony A. Cromwell
Post Commander kypost46@gmail.com