2024 February Commanders Corner

Welcome to February and the deceptive warmth of coming spring! Our heating bills relish this respite from the bitter polar cold. I am sure we have not heard the last of the arctic/polar cold.

Our membership meeting of 6 February was unique, well attended, and enjoyed by all. We hosted a guest speaker from Ladies Veterans Connect (thanks to the work of Legionnaire Susan Craddock). Ms. Phyllis Abbot, Executive Director, and Ms. Adelaide Mattox (Associate) attended the full meeting and engaged in subsequent comradery. They both addressed the fine work this group is doing to help lady veterans adjust to post service experience and those in need. They sponsor a Women’s Shelter: Annas House. Our Post awarded the Director a Post donation of $500 at the close of her speech. Also, a very big thanks to Susan for the delicious Valentine Day table loaded with valentine treats!!

The Legion Riders announced two coming parades in June. The Big Band Festival in Danville and another military appreciation parade in Harrodsburg. They are also working on a special ride they will ask the Danville Chamber of Commerce to support.

The Radio Group continues in active Legion Mission work through testing of Amateur Radio candidates, exercising the Legion’s national Dstar net, and developing the technical skills of their members through active use of the Post station in contests. The Post gained a new member from the last testing session! We are about to get more active in the Emergency Comms mission via a scheduled participation in an upcoming State of Kentucky earthquake drill. At state HQ, our Post was recognized for adding the Bardstown Post to the list of Emergency comm resources.

The Auxiliary is planning to sell roses on Valentines Day and have another silent auction. They are increasing the frequency of sending cards to veterans in nine nursing homes.

Vice Commander Regena Carney announced we may have a Girls State Candidate from Danville Christian School (DCS). We have historically enjoyed great support from DCS in getting their students in these Legion youth programs. Unfortunately, we were not able to attain any students for the Legion Oratorical contest or the Boys State program, despite working with the counselors of the local and regional schools. A big thanks to Regena for her extensive effort in this mission.

Sr. Vice Adams showed me a video of a recent Corn Hole tournament at our Post. Our Hall was fully utilized, and the League has adopted our Post as one of its very favorite to play in. Kudos to Buddy and our Corn Hole team for making them feel so welcome.

Consider supporting the March 6th KYT blood drive at the Danville Library. Our Post is supporting through providing sign placement and greeting personnel.

Also, we are exploring adding a food service to our Band nights. If you like the idea, let Ruby know….she is not the one preparing the food in this case, though.

Our Service Officers continue to actively support our veterans. They caution about the impact of the PACT Act in terms of the number of Veterans applying and the possibility of fraud. LATE BREAKING NEWS: Ms. Anna R. Mills, Outreach Coordinator and Public Affairs Specialist from the Lexington VA Health Care System will address our Post veterans at our next Membership meeting on 5 March. She is the PACT Act coordinator for Kentucky and will discuss the programs, eligibility, enrollment, and any questions you have. If you have health issues from overseas duties, you should consider attending.

We are making a concentrated effort to maintain our Post calendar as to Post events. Look for opportunities to participate in them. Thank Ruby for her work in scheduling and managing all these events!

The next membership meeting is on 5 March 2024 at 7 PM.


Tony A. Cromwell

Post Commander kypost46@gmail.com