The old saying March comes in like a lion, well April just accomplished that weather action. We got a lot of wind, rain, and some dozen tornadoes!! We did not cancel our membership meeting as we planned to host a presentation by Ms. Mills from the VA. She did not show up or contact us. The meeting was also intended to open the window for Post officer nominations. About half of our officers were excused absences due to weather, health, and vacation issues. Therefore, we held an official informational exchange, prayer requests, and opened the window for officer nominations. This abbreviated meeting only lasted 30 minutes and attendees had the opportunity to go home before the oncoming storms affected our local weather. I advised the attendees that the positions of Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Vice Commander, Service Officer, and Sgt at Arms were open for nominations. I announced I was willing to continue to serve the Post as Commander if reelected so that the subordinate officers can weigh that fact in their decisions to continue in position, compete for another position, or leave their office.
Kudos to Legionnaire Susan Craddock for her extensive efforts in supporting the important KYT blood drive at the Danville Library. Also, she made the local rounds asking for donations for our upcoming Auxiliary Auction. She got some nice donations. The Auxiliary is going to hold this auction during an upcoming Band night. Additionally, they held an Easter Dinner and kids Easter egg hunt. Their food support for the Corn Hole tournaments is a win-win for the Auxiliary and the corn hole players!
Our Post continues to strengthen due to the high participation of our members in our diverse activities and the energetic management skills of Social Club manager Ruby Crouch. The continuous high rate of charitable gaming machine use resulted in our vendor installing two more machines and rewarding the Post with a $250 contribution for each machine. Our Social Club schedule is on the Post web page for the months of April and May. Also, Kudos to our Treasurer Brenda Ellis who keeps all these diverse financial issues in proper order and reported as legally required!!
A tip of the hat to our exceptionally fine Service Officers. They change the lives of those they support and go in harms way in doing so!! When you see Gene or Dennis, thank them for their incredible dedication!
Our Radio Club continues to practice their skills in the Post radio room on weekends. They rack up impressive on-air contact lists and continue to formally test new personnel for licenses. I’ve asked them to collect contacts with retired USS naval ships and display those QSL cards on their bulletin boards. I expect the National Legion Commander will be highly interested in this station.
I thank each member for their membership renewal and continuing support! We pray you find reward in the Post facilities, its members, and the programs we support.
The next membership meeting is on 7 May 2024 at 7 PM.
Tony A. Cromwell
Post Commander