Hearty Greetings to all our Post 46 members!! Returning after a year’s respite, the activity level in our Post is astounding! The misfortune of the VFW and their facility has provided a big influx of new members allowing for weekly bands, expanded gaming activity, and associated comradery. Our transition to a new gaming company is providing improved profits and member gaming experiences. Importantly, each member is now coming to the Post to enjoy their favorite activity and those friends associated with that activity. Also, we warmly welcome our VFW comrades!! We are all one veteran community that served its country in its time of need.
I want to thank the Post Shift Managers for working without pay for a period while the Post evolved its way through a tight financial time. The Radio Club donated back $1200 to the Post for unused van construction funds. Also, my thanks to Past Commander Ron Westerfield for leading the Post this past year. Unfortunately, he suffered a serious health issue and was extremely hampered in his ability to manage the Post. We pray for his continuing recovery and to be active in our social programs. Gene Klaus concluded his work as Adjutant/Service Officer and is now dedicated to performing his Service Officer position. Many veteran families are much better off now due to Gene’s help. We welcome Harold Miller as our new Adjutant. Harold has previous Adjutant service with the VFW and will perform all the functions of that office…a luxury we have lacked for many years. Look for Post scheduling data on our Post web site calendar and social media. He also brings excellent Computer technical skills!
We very recently lost Jay Crowe, a combat veteran. I got to know him earlier and got him on the honor flight list. COVID delayed those flights and Jay was down the list a long way due to his age. I attended his funeral at Camp Nelson and was delighted to see our Post Legion Riders in official presence!! Our Legion Riders are planning to participate in the June 5th American Band Festival in Danville. I am planning to participate to better denote them as part of the American Legion by leading them in my Mustang convertible with door plate signs. Hopefully, our Auxiliary will participate again. The Auxiliary arranged for a veteran in Stanford area to get blanket. He was so grateful, he donated $100 to them. The Auxiliary is also arranging for two large TVs in our Post Hall.
Our Post Radio Club continues its weekly Legion mission activities in our Post Ham Radio Room. They are participating in contests and practicing their radio skills. They continue to provide testing services for applicants upgrading their licenses or acquiring new ones. The national Dstar net continues under the auspices of the Post but retains its subject and title of the American Legion Dstar Net. (The American Legion Radio Club in Legion HQ no long exists). I provide American Legion news and Gene Klaus provides the latest VA news/benefits. A huge thanks to Andy Rose for assuming the Net Control position and carrying it forward.
Please offer a word of Thanks and Appreciation to Ruby Crouch. Ruby, Social Club Manager and cornerstone of our Post, responsibly carries the Post scheduling and management of the gaming business. She works closely with Brenda Ellis to accomplish our financial duties. Ask her if you can help. Our band and supper activities are due to her efforts.
I would ask you to remember that, as an asthmatic, I can only be in the Social Club for a few minutes. I am also closely assisting my wife of 57 years. I attend the Tuesday Financial Committee meetings and monthly membership meetings. I am always readily available by text, phone, or email. I always inquire of my other officers if everyone is happy. Please let them know if you want any issue relayed to me.
Your Post’s financial situation is improving. Current weather reduces power costs. Your Post is expensive to operate and requires volunteerism, generosity, positive active support, and comradery.
Enjoy your summer! Look for some neat activities in our Pavilion. Also, Vice Commander Regena Carney is working with the Chamber of Commerce to visit our facility! Also, Kudos to Regena for completing Commander’s Training and the Legion College at the Department of Ky!!!
Tony A. Cromwell
Post Commander