A big and hearty KUDOs to our Post 46 Legion Riders!! They smartly represented us in this year’s Big Band Festival, in Danville, following an invitation to participate. The Riders were led by the Commander’s Mustang convertible with identifying door plates. Vice Commander Carney, in uniform, rode in the car to represent the female veterans and give the Mustang extra class! A picture of our group was provided by the Danville Police Dept Facebook page and is posted on our Post bulletin board and on our web site in the Legion Rider section (tnx to Adjutant Miller). Post 18 from Stanford also participated, and flags were handed out along the parade route. A great day for our Posts and the American Legion!!!
This coming weekend is a unique annual national event in the Amateur Radio community. Each year, this community practices “Field Day”. It is a contest to make radio contacts under emergency type (e.g., no commercial power, simple antennas, etc.) conditions. There is a myriad of participating classes. This is a Legion relevant mission, and our Radio Club will be participating. Our Radio Club continues to test new applicants, some of which join the Post. Proudly, they are active most weekends practicing their art from their impressive and capable ham radio room. A special thanks to Dr. Pete for his leadership!! Feel free to watch them in action!
The Department of Kentucky will hold its annual convention this coming weekend in Louisville. Adjutant Miller, Vice Cmdr. Carney, and I plan to attend the final day on Saturday. We will obtain our 2024 membership cards and be present for trophy awards and elections. Of note, Sr. Vice Skip Kraemer (past District 8 Commander and great fan of Post 46), is being elected as our new Department Commander.
Our Post continues to improve financially. We are blessed with an active membership and membership events on a weekly basis. We are deeply grateful to Ruby and the Shift Managers who make each day/event a success. Our moderate weather restrains our energy bills. Like your personal lives, the Post suffers from the inflated costs of materials and supplies we need to accomplish our work. I encourage the members to be watchful for/recruit friends that would be excellent Post members and would love to participate in our varied activities. We must retain a high level of activity to remain viable. Donations are very helpful (they are tax deductible)!
Watch for our 4th of July holiday activity! We are planning to use our Pavilion as a focal point for this holiday event: band, barbecue, fireworks, etc. It can be a memorable event, but personal/facility safety is paramount.
We continue to enjoy the presence and participation of our VFW comrades! They hope to regain use of their facility later this summer. We are all American servicemen, and we succeed by ingrained teamwork!
I wish each of you a fine 4th of July holiday experience. The membership scheduled for July 4th is cancelled. The next membership meeting is on 8 August. Be safe!
Tony A. Cromwell
Post Commander