Post 46 attended the June Department of Kentucky Convention. Adjutant Miller, Vice Commander Carney, and I represented the Post. While I have attended several previous conventions, this was the first time for Harold and Regena. In attending, we were able to pick up next year’s membership cards versus having to wait for them to come in the mail. This convention featured the Posts having to vote in several elections. Post 46 is allowed 7 votes (per our veteran membership). It is higher than most Posts. We were all thrilled to have our previous District Commander Skip Kraemer elected as Department Commander!! Bill Sloan (Post 46 Legion Rider) is now our District Commander!! A huge thanks to Regena for driving us to/from the convention!!
Our Social Club staff planned and executed a great Fourth of July celebration. They intended to have the band play under the Pavilion but placed them in the Hall due to the rain probabilities. The Post matched a very generous donation from Bernie Vandepol to purchase fireworks. The firing of the fireworks went very well and marks the first time in memorable history the Post has hosted fireworks, thanks to Bernie’s generosity. Add to this, some excellent food selections made for a great, memorable 4th of July experience. My thanks to all who worked to make it such a success!!
Our Post continues to improve financially!! High member activity, hall rentals, and conservative energy management/etc. is making the difference. Note the Queen of Hearts game is getting down to just a few cards remaining!!!
Be on the watch for new members that will be active and positive contributing members! Ask Ruby what you can do to help her with her Social Club tasks. We are now in the membership renewal period. The renewed memberships are for the 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 periods. The Legion starts requesting renewals for the 2024 season on 1 July 2023. Since the 1st of July, we have already processed two new veteran memberships!
We cancelled the July 4th membership meeting. The next membership meeting is on 8 August. Be safe and enjoy your summer!
Tony A. Cromwell
Post Commander